
Gallery of Memes

Jacquie Kuru and Eduardo Tocco

Many thanks to Jacquie Kuru for creating this meme assignment. Here is her fabulous instructional video:



A meme depicting a man in a kitchen and the words "when you look at your ballot... and Donald and Sleepy Joe are your only choices". A meme depicting a cat laying on its back in the lap of someone sitting down, and the words "me during my online classes". A meme depicting a woman in braids staring off to the side, arms crossed, with the words "when you realize you have a test tomorrow that you forgot to study for".
A meme depicting a stunned and scared facial expression with the words "when an assignment is due at a different time then 11:59pm". A meme depicting a dog's face looking suspiciously with a side-eye glance and the words "when you are 20 years old bu too invested in Tik Tok drama" and a smiling face, open mouth, cold sweat emoji. A meme depicting a little girl sitting down holding her put-put golf club, ball resting nearby, looking off into the distance with the words " slowly watching my grades go down the toilet while having a quarter life crisis".
A meme depicting a Golden Retriever all twisted up on itself, sitting on its own head, with the words "Trying to strike the perfect yoga pose". A meme depicting a young boy, half out of the pool, holding a party favor, looking unamused, with the words "when the person cutting the birthday cake hands you a middle piece". A meme depicting a young woman with long, dark hair gesturing to a brick wall with the words "when you argue with people who don't want to get the COVID-19 vaccine".
A meme depicting a cat looking down and forlorn with the words "when mom says you can't have anymore treats". A meme of a large dog sitting on a couch looking dejected with the words "when you have an 89.9% in a class and your professor won't round it up to an A". A meme depicting a person laughing while seated, with a hot pink colored wig on their head and the words "when you've been in quarantine for too long and decide to make a slight change to your hair".
A young woman with a blue sweatshirt and her hands up with a big smile on her face with the words "when that stimulus check finally comes in". A meme of a distorted, funhouse mirror-type of image of a man, with laser eyes and hands folded across his body with the words "you know we had to do it to 'em". Meme of a toddler being held by an adult, with a plastic shovel in its hand and the words "when someone reaches for the last doughnut".
Meme of a dog's face giving a side-eye and looking suspiciously with the words "when the story doesn't add up". Meme of a dog on its back, splayed out on its dog bed and the words "5 minutes into the all nighter I said I'd pull to finish my assignment due tomorrow". Meme of a dog under the covers poking his head out with graphics of medical supplies around him, such as a surgical mask on its face, anti-bacterial wipes and spray on the bed, and the words "Everyone during quarantine waiting for the pandemic to be over like..."
Meme of man with baseball cap gesturing with his hands and mouth of something big and a graphic of a "wow" emoji, with the words "When your project is Due Tn". Meme of a dog snuggled in a bed with propped pillows and the words "me after a long day of barking and tricking my mom into giving me another treat". Meme of a frustrated man with his head down and hand over his face and emojis of frustration and cursing and the words "when Derek Chauvin hasn't been found guilty".
Meme of a young man looking just off camera and his mouth bunched up and the words "when you have 10 assignments due at 11:59pm and it's 11:58pm". Meme of a graphic of a young man's face in grey and a single, blue tear with the words "When you don't check the due date And it says last week". Meme of a young man in a car holding a vaccine card looking at the camera with the words "When you get your COVID-19 vaccine but realize you have to go back for the second dose... SMH".
Meme of a happy-looking dog sitting in a kitchen with the words "When the dog park finally opens cuz humans are getting vaccinated". Meme of three smiling girls and the words "When she says she's good at makeup...". meme of a horse standing in an arena with a piece of cactus in its lip and the words "Queue background music: Oh no oh no oh no no no no no".
Meme of a young woman taking a selfie in a bathroom mirror with a slight smirk, gesturing with her hand pointing like a finger gun, and the words "The face you make when you realize it's almost Summer but that means finals are around the corner...". Meme of a small dog on its hind legs and front paws in the air and a graphic of a speech bubble with the words "I thinks I wills go" and the meme caption reads "when you elementary school teacher would say 'would someone like to drop this off'". Meme of a man with a grey laptop in his lap on the left side of a split image, and on the right, shows an Apple sticker over an 'hp" brand label and the words "when you want to fit in but you can't afford a Mac".
Meme of a young man wearing a baseball cap backwards and an unamused facial expression with the words "When you show up at your friends for the party but turns out it was a zoom party". Meme of a young woman with tears rolling dow her cheeks and the words "Me when I realize I have a whole project due tomorrow and I have no clue what to do". Meme of a split image, the top showing a woman in cheer doing a perfect split while standing and holding her ankle above her head and the words "Me: wants more wind turbines to be built because renewable energy is important when it comes to creating a sustainable society" and the bottom image of a woman in cheer falling and the words "Also me: Wind turbines are not recyclable and have to be buried underground because there isn't a proper way to dispose of them".
Meme of a woman wearing evening makeup and wiping her cheek with a makeup remover wipe and the words "the best feeling ever is when u take ur makeup off". The image is framed with the words "MEME'. Meme of a split image of a man in a tie, distorted like a funhouse mirror and the left side has a huge head and says "When you refer to an article you read in an argument" and the other side has a huge mouth and tongue and says "When you find out later the article was fake news". Meme of a dog laying down with a cuddle toy and the words "when my human won't let me on the couch".
Meme of a split image, the left side showing a cat next to a laptop and the words "Online school has me like:" and the right side shows the cat under the covers, laying down. Meme of a dog on a skateboard and the words "When it's time for a walk but you rather skate". Meme of a close-up photo of a smiling face and the words "When you see the assignment is to make a meme".
Meme of a small dog in motion turning around quickly and the words "when your teacher asks you to turn on your camera". Meme of a dog sitting, excited to go and the words "When you hear the words 'Let's go to Dutch Bros'". Meme of a little white dog sleeping and a graphic of "ZZZ" cross the screen and the word "After a weekend with the boys".
Meme of a woman sitting in a wheelchair with stairs behind her and the words "Stairs vs Wheelchair". Meme of a man with reflective sunglasses and the words "When the semester is almost over but you realize you're failing all your classes". Meme of a small dog in a sweater on a couch with a guilty look on its face and the words "When you get asked about the homework you didn't do - I don't know".
Meme of a song woman reclining and graphics around of bunny ears on her head and carrots and the words "when he says his favorite holiday is Easter". Meme of a Beagle dog's face looking irritated and the words "when you find out you have an assignment due right before your getting ready to go out". Meme of a women with glasses in a medical smock and mash, with latex gloves holding a cleaning wipe and the words "When someone comes over and starts coughing so you have to disinfect when they leave".
Meme of a split screen image, the left showing a selfie of a young girl in black and white and the words "when your mom says you have to go out with her" and the image on the right of the girl in color, smiling, and the words "but then she promises food". Meme of a snarling dog and the words "When your mom makes you hang out with the cousins you hate and then asks for a picture with them". Meme of a boy looking wide-eyed and the words "Wait babies come from where?"
Meme of a dog almost hidden, wrapped up in a grey plaid blanket and the words "When it's your turn to do the dishes". Meme of a dog wearing a face covering and the words "Did you get the Barkizer... or the Wooferna?" Meme of a blurred image of a young man drinking from a glass and the words "When you turn in your essay at 11:58pm".
Meme of a young man slouched, resting his head on his arm on a couch and the words "When the bad grade hits the grade book" and a graphic of a Good-Bad Meter pegged to 'bad'.


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Humans R Social Media - 2024 "Living Book" Edition Copyright © 2024 by Diana Daly is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.