Can You Get Kicked Out of College for Drinking?

As a student at the University of Arizona, I’ve seen my fair share of parties and social gatherings where alcohol is present. Addressing alcohol and drug conduct code violations on college campuses is crucial, as these institutions play a significant role in guiding and ensuring the safety of their students.

And while it’s no secret that drinking is a common aspect of college life, every college student should be aware of the potential consequences, including the risk of expulsion.

The answer is yes, but it’s not always a straightforward process. For college students, understanding the university’s policies on underage drinking, excessive drinking, and other alcohol-related infractions is essential.

I’ll also discuss the consequences of violating these policies, which can significantly impact the academic and professional future of students, and offer some tips on how to stay safe and responsible while still enjoying your college experience.

What is the University of Arizona’s Alcohol Policy in Residence Halls Anyway?

A dorm room at the U of A shows a student studying up amid a tower of books

The University of Arizona has a comprehensive alcohol policy that outlines the rules and regulations surrounding the possession, use, and distribution of alcoholic beverages on campus. According to the policy, students under the age of 21 are prohibited from possessing or consuming alcohol, while students 21 and older are allowed to drink in moderation.

However, even for students of legal drinking age, there are limits to how much alcohol can be consumed. Excessive drinking, defined as consuming more than four drinks in two hours, is considered a violation of the school’s code.

Additionally, the student code emphasizes the expectations set for student behavior, including the responsibility to adhere to policies regarding alcohol use on and off campus. While it is unlikely you will get drug tested for alcohol, even as an athlete, there can be consequences for failing such tests if you are student-athlete or otherwise required to take them.

The Mounting Consequences of Underage Drinking and Violating the Alcohol Policy

So, what happens if you violate the university’s alcohol policy? Let me tell you from my own experience. The consequences can range from a warning to expulsion, depending on the severity of the infraction.

  • First-time offenders: If you’re caught underage drinking or excessively drinking, you’ll likely receive a warning and be required to attend an alcohol education program. This initial step addresses minor alcohol violations and aims to educate rather than punish.

  • Repeat offenders: If you violate the policy again, you may face disciplinary action, including probation, fines, or even suspension. Additionally, being found guilty of repeated alcohol violations could impact your financial aid, including the loss of federal educational loans, scholarships, and potentially expulsion from college.

  • Extreme cases: In extreme cases, such as alcohol-related incidents that result in injury or property damage, you could face expulsion from the university. These actions are taken within the framework of school policies designed to curb underage drinking and ensure the safety and well-being of the student body.

Other Factors for College Students to Consider When Drinking Hard

A student is passed out on the quad from drinking, with bottles arrayed around him

While the university’s alcohol policy is clear, there are other factors to consider when it comes to drinking in college. For example:

  • Legal consequences: If you’re caught underage drinking alcohol, drinking and driving, or involved in a drunk driving incident, you could face legal consequences, including fines, suspension of your driver’s license, and even criminal charges.

  • Health risks: Excessive drinking can lead to serious health problems, including alcohol poisoning, liver damage, and even death. For many college students, this doesn’t seem real, but it certainly can be!

  • Academic impact: Drinking can negatively impact your academic performance, leading to missed classes, poor grades, and even academic probation.

Local authorities play a crucial role in enforcing these legal consequences, working separately from the university’s conduct process to address alcohol-related violations.

Staying Safe and Responsible with Alcohol in College: Avoiding Drunk Driving

So, how can you enjoy your college experience while staying safe and responsible? Here are a few tips:

  • Drink in moderation: If you’re 21 or older, drink in moderation and pace yourself.

  • Stay with friends: Always stay with a group of friends and look out for each other.

  • Don’t drink and drive: Never drink and drive, and always have a designated driver or use public transportation.

  • Seek help if needed: If you or a friend is struggling with alcohol, seek help from the university’s counseling services or a local treatment center.

Additionally, it’s important to be mindful of where you choose to drink, including residence halls, off-campus housing, or local bars, as these environments can have specific consequences related to alcohol activities.

Before Getting Kicked Out for Drinking: Get Help in College

A college student gets help at the U of A counseling center after getting caught possessing alcohol

While drinking is a common aspect of college life, it’s important to remember that there are consequences for violating the university’s alcohol policy. By staying safe and responsible, you can enjoy your college experience while also protecting your academic and personal well-being.

Remember, it’s always better to err on the side of caution when it comes to drinking in college. If you’re unsure about the university’s policies or need help with alcohol-related issues, don’t hesitate to reach out to campus resources or seek support from a trusted adult.

More Resources for College Students Facing the Consequences for Drinking

  • The University of Arizona’s Alcohol Policy has all the details written in stone, for penalties from everything from public drinking to furnishing alcohol to minors.

  • The U of A’s Counseling Services can also provide support and resources for sobriety.


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