
Student Learning Outcomes

Exploring Perspectives:

Students will identify the approaches and methodologies of the disciplinary perspective, use evidence and/or knowledge generated within the disciplinary perspective to critically analyze questions, ideas, and/or arguments, and describe contributions of this perspective to finding solutions to global and/or local challenges.

Quantitative Reasoning Attribute:

Students will demonstrate competency in working with numerical information by critically analyzing quantitative information, generating ideas that are supported by quantitative evidence, assessing the relevance of data and its associated implications in a variety of contexts, and communicating those ideas and/or associated interpretations using various formats (graphs, data tables, equations, oral presentations, or written reflections).

Upon completion of this course students will be able to:

Utilize library databases with information to communicate effectively validate their conclusions in the final paper

Prepare and present effective, informative, and persuasive to describe the birth and evolution of changing fashions, fashion adoptions, diffusion of innovations, and consumer behaviors and analyze how these might shape the future of the fashion industry.

Think critically about data found in readings and databases in D2L discussions and documents

Communicate effectively in written form on data information found in various databases and research articles

Think critically about personal fashion consumption in final paper

Reflect and think critically of fashion value differences in D2L discussions

Communicate effectively about the use of data on peer reviews in the Eli Review program



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