- ABAB (see reversal ABAB design)
- ABC (in applied behavior analysis)
- Abilify® (see anti-psychotic medications)
- absence seizure (also see epilepsy)
- accommodation(s)
- adaptive behavior
- Adderall® (see stimulants and other ADHD medications)
- ADHD medications (see stimulants and ADHD medications)
- advance organizer
- affect-mood distinction
- affective disorder
- agoraphobia
- alopecia
- alphabetic principle
- American Board of Professional Psychology (ABPP)
- American Psychological Association (APA)
- Anafranil® (see anti-depressant medications)
- Angelman syndrome
- anti-anxiety medications
- anti-depressant medications
- anti-psychotic medications
- anxiolytics (see anti-depressant medications)
- Apgar score
- aptitude x treatment interaction (ATI)
- arithmetic (computational) terminology
- ascertainment bias
- assistive technology
- Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards
- asthma
- Ativan® (see anti-anxiety medications)
- attending physician (see psychiatric hospitalization)
- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder-authority to make diagnosis
- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder-obligation to identify and provide 504 services
- audiometer
- auras (related to seizures)
- autism spectrum disorder (diagnostic considerations)
- autism spectrum disorder (treatments)
- basal readers, basal reading series
- base rate
- Bayesian (probability) nomogram
- behavior intervention plan (BIP)
- behavior plan failure (how to troubleshoot)
- benzodiazepines (see anti-anxiety medications)
- bili lights (see neonatal jaundice)
- bladder incontinence (see enuresis)
- bowel incontinence (see encopresis)
- broadband scales (also see narrowband scales)
- bruxism
- Buros Center for Testing
- BuSpar® (see anti-anxiety medications)
- callosal agenesis (see corpus callosum)
- Catplyta® (see anti-psychotic medications)
- Celexa (see anti-depressant medications)
- central auditory process disorder
- cerebral palsy (CP)
- CHC theory
- clinical norms (compared to representative norms)
- Clozaril® (see anti-psychotic medications)
- cloze procedure
- cognitive behavior therapy
- Cohen’s d (see effect size)
- commissurotomy (see corpus callosum)
- comorbidity
- Concerta® (see stimulants and other ADHD medications)
- confidence interval
- conjoint behavioral consultation
- Conner’s Continuous Performance Test (see continuous performance tests)
- consanguinity
- continuous performance tests
- continuous reinforcement (see schedules of reinforcement)
- coup/contrecoup
- contralateral
- coprolalia
- corpus callosum
- Cramer’s V (see effect size)
- crystallized ability (see fluid and crystallized ability)
- CT scan (see MRI)
- cue (see discriminative stimulus)
- curriculum based assessment and general outcome measures
- cursive (writing)
- Cymbalta® (see anti-depressant medications)
- cytomegalovirus (see TORCH)
- daily (behavior) report card
- Daytrana® (see stimulants and other ADHD medications)
- declarative (explicit) memory
- delusion
- Desyrel® (see anti-depressant medications)
- developmental delay (federal) definition
- developmental milestones
- developmental pediatrics, developmental pediatrician
- developmental regression
- Dexedrine® (see stimulants and other ADHD medications)
- diabetes
- Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-5th Edition (DSM-5)
- Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-5th edition (DSM-5)
- diagnostic interview procedures
- diagnostic utility statistics
- dimensional
- direct instruction
- discipline referral
- discriminative stimulus
- Dolch 220 list (see sight vocabulary)
- double deficit hypothesis
- Down syndrome
- duty to warn (see Tarasoff v. California Board of Regents)
- dyscalculia
- dysgraphia
- dyslexia
- echolalia
- ecological validity
- EEG (electroencephalogram)
- effect size (also see significance)
- effective/efficacious
- Effexor® (see anti-depressant medications)
- Elavil® (see anti-depressant medications)
- elision
- emotional disability (federal) definition
- encopresis
- Endrew F. v. Douglas County School District
- English Language Learner (ELL)
- enuresis
- epilepsy
- EPPP (see Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards)
- eta squared (see effect size)
- ethics code (see National Association of School Psychologists and American Psychological Association)
- ethnic incongruence
- etiology
- Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)
- examiner drift
- executive function (EF)
- explicit memory (see declarative memory)
- externalizing psychopathology (see internalizing-externalizing psychopathology)
- extinction burst
- factitious disorder
- false negative (see diagnostic utility statistics)
- false positive (see diagnostic utility statistics)
- Fanapt® (see anti-psychotic medications)
- FBA (see functional behavior analysis)
- fecal incontinence (see encopresis)
- FERPA-Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
- Fetzima® (see anti-depressant medications)
- fluency
- fluid and crystallized ability
- Flynn effect
- Focalin® (see stimulants and other ADHD medications)
- Forest Grove School District v. T.A.
- fragile X syndrome
- free appropriate public education (FAPE)
- functional behavior analysis (FBA)
- fundamental attribution error (FAE)
- g
- gene
- general outcome measure (see curriculum based assessment)
- genetic similarity (among relatives)
- Geodon® (see anti-psychotic medications)
- Good Behavior Game
- Gordon Diagnostic System (see continuous performance tests)
- grapheme
- graphomotor
- group contingencies
- Haldol® (see anti-psychotic medications)
- Head Start
- hearing loss in children
- hemophilia
- herpes simplex (see TORCH)
- heterogeneous (heterogeneity)
- HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act)
- homeopathic treatment (of ADHD)
- Huntington’s disease
- hyperbilrubinemia (see neonatal jaundice)
- hyperlexia
- hyperphagia (see Prader-Willi syndrome)
- idiographic
- idiopathic
- IEP (Individual Education Program)
- implicit bias
- incontinence- bladder or bowel (see enuresis or encopresis)
- Inderal® (see anti-anxiety medications)
- informed consent
- inpatient treatment (see psychiatric hospitalization)
- Institute of Education Science (IES)
- intellectual disability (American Association of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities) definition
- intellectual disability (federal) definition
- intellectual disability, part score use-cautionary note
- intermittent reinforcement (see schedules of reinforcement)
- internalizing-externalizing psychopathology
- interval recording
- interview techniques (see structured interview techniques)
- Intuniv® (see stimulants and other ADHD medications)
- Invega® (see anti-psychotic medications)
- inverse probability fallacy (see comorbidity)
- ipsative
- ipsilateral
- jaundice (neonatal)
- joint attention
- Kapvay® (see stimulants and other ADHD medications)
- karyotyping
- Klinefelter syndrome
- Klonopin® (see anti-anxiety medications)
- Larry P. v. Wilson Riles
- laterality (of brain function)
- Latuda® (see anti-psychotic medications)
- lead (effect on brain)
- least restrictive alternative
- Lexapro® (see anti-depressant medications)
- lexical
- LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning) youth
- Lindamood-Bell® approach (to reading and math)
- low birth weight
- Luvox (see anti-depressant medications)
- macrocephaly
- malleability
- manifest determination
- Matthew effect-regarding reading
- melancholia
- Mellaril® (see anti-psychotic medications)
- Mendelian disorders
- metacognitive (strategies)
- Metadate® (see stimulants and other ADHD medications)
- Methylin® (see stimulants and other ADHD medications)
- microcephaly
- micrographia
- mindfulness
- mnemonic devices
- mood stabilizers and anti-convulsants (to treat social-emotional conditions)
- mosaicism
- MRI (magnetic resonance imaging)
- multi-tiered systems of supports (MTSS)
- Munchausen by proxy (see factitious disorder)
- Mystery Motivator (see group contingency interventions)
- Nardil® (see anti-depressant medications)
- narrowband scales (also see broadband scales)
- NASP (see National Association of School Psychologists)
- National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)
- National Association of School Psychologists (NASP)
- Nationally Certified School Psychologist (NCSP)
- Navane® (see anti-psychotic medications)
- NCSP (see Nationally Certified School Psychologist)
- negative predictive value (see diagnostic utility statistics)
- negative reinforcement
- neonatal intensive care unit (NICU)
- neurofeedback (see EEG)
- NICU (see neonatal intensive care unit)
- neurofibromatosis, type 1
- Neurontin® (see anti-anxiety medications)
- neurotransmitter
- NICU (see neonatal intensive care unit)
- nomogram (see Bayesian [probability] nomogram
- nomothetic
- nonverbal learning disability
- omega squared ω2 (see effect size)
- operant (behavior)
- orthography (orthographic)
- Orton-Gillingham approach (regarding reading)
- other health impairment (OHI)
- overlearning
- palilalia
- Pamelor® (see anti-depressant medications)
- PANDAS (Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Strep)
- Parnate® (see anti-depressant medications)
- parsimony (law of)
- PASS (planning, attention, simultaneous, successive) theory
- Paxil® (see anti-depressant medications)
- pedagogy
- Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorder Associated with Strep (see PANDAS)
- peer tutoring
- permanent products
- phonemic awareness
- pica
- polygenetic inheritance
- positive and negative predictive value (statistics)
- positive behavior intervention and supports (PBIS)
- positive predictive value (see diagnostic utility statistics)
- positive reinforcement
- positive/negative symptoms (of psychiatric or neurological disorders)
- posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
- Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS)
- pragmatic language
- Praxis®
- Premack principle (finding positive reinforcers)
- premature birth
- premorbid
- primary reinforcer
- Pristiq® (see anti-depressant medications)
- procedural (implicit, non-declarative) memory
- Procentra® (see stimulants and other ADHD medications)
- prodrome
- prognosis
- projective techniques
- Prolixin® (see anti-psychotic medications)
- prosody
- Prozac® (see anti-depressant medications)
- psychiatric hospitalization
- psychodynamic approach
- punishment
- Pygmalion effect (see Rosenthal effect)
- Qelbree® (see stimulants and other ADHD medications)
- R2 (see effect size)
- rapid automatized naming (RAN)
- Reading Recovery®
- rebound (from medication)
- recurrence risk
- regression to the mean
- related services
- relative risk
- resilience
- reliable change index (RCI)
- Remeron® (see anti-depressant medications
- response to intervention (RTI)
- reversal (ABAB) design
- reversal (letters, words)
- Rexulti® (see anti-psychotic medications)
- Risperdal® (see anti-psychotic medications)
- Ritalin® (see stimulants and other ADHD medications)
- Rosenthal (pygmalion) effect
- rubella (see TORCH)
- Saphris® (see anti-psychotic medications)
- savant (savantism)
- scaffolding
- schedules of reinforcement
- schema
- school connectedness
- section 504 definition
- seizure (see epilepsy)
- sensitivity (see diagnostic utility statistics)
- sensory processing deficits/sensory-based therapies
- serotonin selective reuptake inhibitor (SSRI)
- Seroquel® (see anti-psychotic medications)
- Serzone® (see anti-depressant medications)
- shaping (in behavior modification)
- sickle cell trait/disease
- sight vocabulary
- significance (statistical versus clinical)
- skill versus performance deficits
- SNRI (Serotonin Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitor; see anti-depressant medications)
- social maladjustment clause
- specific language impairment
- specific learning disability (federal) definition
- specificity (see diagnostic utility statistics)
- speech or language impairment (federal) definition
- splinter skills
- SSRI, serotonin specific reuptake inhibitor (see anti-depressant medications)
- Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing
- state/trait distinction
- Stelazine® (see anti-psychotic medications)
- stereotype threat
- stereotypies
- stimulants and other ADHD medications
- strabismus
- strategy training (such as for students with ADHD)
- Strattera® (see stimulants and other ADHD medications)
- structure (used to diminish problematic behavior)
- structured interview techniques (see diagnostic interview procedures)
- sublexical
- successive approximations (see shaping)
- sugar (as cause of hyperactive behavior)
- T-score
- Tarasoff v. California Board of Regents
- Tenex® (see stimulants and other ADHD medications)
- Tests of Variables of Attention-TOVA (see continuous performance tests)
- theory of mind
- Thorazine® (see anti-psychotic medications)
- thought disorder
- threat assessment
- threats to internal and external validity (when interpreting psychological research)
- tics/Tourette’s disorder
- timeout
- titration (of medication)
- Tofranil (see anti-depressant medications)
- TOVA (see continuous performance tests)
- toxoplasmosis (see TORCH)
- tracking (related to rule following)
- trapped (pertaining to behavior modification programming)
- trauma (psychological)
- traumatic brain injury (federal) definition
- traumatic brain injury (methods of indexing severity)
- trichotillomania
- tricyclics (see anti-depressant medications)
- Trintellix® (see anti-depressant medications)
- tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC)
- Turner syndrome
- twice exceptional
- universal screening
- Valium® (see anti-anxiety medications)
- Viibyrd® (see anti-depressant medications)
- vision training
- Vraylar® (see anti-psychotic medications)
- Vynanse® (see stimulants and other ADHD medications)
- wait to fail (regarding SLD identification)
- waxing and waning
- Wellbutrin® (see anti-depressant medications)
- Williams syndrome
- wraparound services
- Xanax® (see anti-anxiety medications)
- z-score
- Zoloft® (see anti-depressant medications)
- zone of proximal development
- Zyprexa® (see anti-psychotic medications)