
2GA. Sentence Basics Grammar Activities

Jonathon Reinhardt and Dilara Avci

These activities are designed for the content in 2. Sentence Basics

Activity 2.1.1 Subjects in a speech by Joe Biden

Activity 2.1.2 Predicates in The Great Gatsby

⇒ Return to 2.1 Sentences, Subjects, & Predicates

Activity 2.2 Clauses & Sentences in a Speech by Donald Trump

⇒ Return to 2.2. Clauses

Activity 2.3.1 Agreement in popular memes

Activity 2.3.2 Phrases about chocolate cake

⇒ Return to 2.3 Phrases & Agreement

Activity 2.4 Transitive or intransitive?

⇒ Return to 2.4 Transitive & Intransitive Verbs

Activity 2.5 Transitive or Linking?

⇒ Return to 2.5 Linking Verbs

2.6 Comprehensive Activities on Sentence Basics

a. Find an example of a pop song or a poem that uses metaphors in its lyrics, for example, to describe life, love, happiness, sadness, etc. Song lyrics can be found by searching for a favorite singer, band, or song, and for poetry the Poetry Foundation collections offer a variety to choose from. What song or poem did you find? What metaphors are used in it? What lyrics illustrate them? Analyze the grammatical structure of a few lines and identify subjects, linking verbs, and predicates.

b. Write a paragraph of about 100 words telling a story, describing a dream you had, or recounting a trip you took or event you experienced. After writing it, identify:

  • the number of sentences
  • the number of clauses
  • all the subjects
  • all the verbs and whether they are transitive, intransitive, or linking

⇒ Return to 2. Sentence Basics

Module authors: Jonathon Reinhardt and Dilara Avci

Last updated: 1 November 2022

These activities are part of Critical Language Awareness: Language Power Techniques and English Grammar, an open educational resource offered by the Clarify Initiative, a privately funded project with the goal of raising critical language awareness and media literacy among students of language and throughout society.



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Critical Language Awareness: Language Power Techniques and English Grammar Copyright © 2023 by Jonathon Reinhardt, Anuj Gupta, Robert Poole, Dilara Avci is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.