
8 LESSON PLAN 3: Ukrainian Literature: Taras Shevchenko


Level Novice Low (A1)
Brief Description of the Activity Students learn about Ukrainian poet and painter Taras Shevchenko’s life and major events in his life from serfdom to freedom. They read a short passage from his most famous work, Kobzar, and discuss its importance in the development of the Ukrainian language and modern Ukrainian literature.
Standards Communication: Modes of Communication

Interpersonal Mode: X

Interpretive Mode: X

Presentational Mode:



Products: X

Practices: X

Perspectives: X


Connections: Literature, Art, and Social Sciences, History

Comparisons: X


ACTFL World Readiness Standards (Culture)
  1. Learners use words and phrases to describe what people from the target culture are doing in photos and short video clips and ask simple questions about characteristics of daily life after looking at the photos or short videos (Novice),
  2. Learners listen to or read about expressive products of the culture such as children’s or traditional songs, selections from the literature commonly read and types of artwork enjoyed and produced by their peer group in the target culture (Novice),
  3. Learners create or propose simple cultural triangles connecting practices and products to associated products and perspectives (Novice),
  4. Learners list and identify practices observed in a video that are outcomes of perspectives of the target culture (Novice).
Language Functions Providing descriptions of visuals; producing supporting arguments; connecting cultural practices to the products; list cultural practices.
Language Structures Locative case, vocabulary to express languages and nationalities
Learning Objectives 1. Students will review common uses of locative case in Ukrainian that they already know,

2. Students will review new uses of the locative case as well as exceptions,

3. Students will read a short text about Shevchenko’s life and create a timeline to summarize what they have,

4. Students will compare and contrast the lives of traditional folk artists to those of the modern ones.


Instructional Procedures Learning Activity Immersive Technology
Gain Attention Students play an AR game to interesting facts about Shevchenko’s life. AR Game about Shevchenko
Stimulate Recall of Prior Knowledge Teacher distributes a worksheet for languages, nationalities, and how to say the origin of a person in Ukrainian. Students review what they already know about the locative case and identify what is new. Review Locative Case

Grammar worksheet

Presentation of Content The teacher gives a short presentation about Taras Shevchenko and his life and shows a video about Kobzar. PowerPoint slides


Kobzar Video

Elicit Performance and Give Feedback The teacher split students into four or five groups. Each group first read a brief text about Shevchenko’s life and then created a timeline of important events in his life using the locative case.

(After forming new groups of four and five, each group selects 1 to 2 pictures from the website that displays Shevchenko’s drawings. They then discuss what they see in the pictures and what these drawings tell about life in Ukraine in those days.)

Shevchenko timeline (Infographic)


Shevchenko’s drawings


Transfer of Knowledge As a class, students identify a modern-day kobzar from different cultures and practice the use of languages and nationalities in Ukrainian.
Closure Students write a letter to Pan Engelhardt to allow Taras to paint and write (3 uses of locative case and 3 adjectives for describing languages and nationalities).
Learning Assessment Students Students individually complete a crossword puzzle to review some of the new vocabulary they learned in class. Link to the crossword puzzle

Student Letters

Things that went well-

Things that did not go well-

Improvements for the future-