
11 LESSON PLAN 6: Ukrainian Cuisine: New Year Traditions


Level Novice High- Intermediate Low (A2-B1)
Brief Description of the Activity Students discusses Ukrainian Christmas traditions (e.g., what people do on Christmas Day, giving gifts, Christmas menu) using interactive images. They compare Christmas traditions in their country to those in Ukraine.
Standards Communication: Modes of Communication

Interpersonal Mode: X

Interpretive Mode: X

Presentational Mode:


Products: X

Practices: X

Perspectives: X

Connections: Social Sciences

Comparisons: Comparing Christmas traditions in Ukraine and the US


ACTFL World-Readiness Standards (Culture) 1) Learners identify and analyze cultural practices from authentic materials such as videos and news articles (Intermediate),

2) Learners identify, investigate, and analyze the function of everyday objects produced in the culture (e.g., household items, tools, foods, clothing) (Intermediate).


Language Functions Identify information; list items; describe a visual language
Language Structures Adjectives; Christmas vocabulary
Learning Objectives 1. Students will gain an understanding of Ukrainian Christmas traditions,

2. Students will form groups and compare Ukrainian and American Christmas traditions,

3. Students will discuss how food traditions are formed.


Instructional Procedures Learning Activity Immersive Technology
Gain Attention The teacher plays a Christmas carol from Ukraine and asks students if they know this carol. Шедрик
Stimulate Recall of Prior Knowledge Students play an AR game to remember Christmas-related vocabulary they already know. Christmas vocabulary AR game Presentation
Presentation of Content Teacher presents different interactive images where students review the objects in the pictures to identify Ukrainian Christmas dishes. Interactive image-1

Interactive image-2

Interactive image-3

Elicit Performance and Give Feedback Students read a text about Ukrainian Christmas traditions. Then they are randomly assigned to two groups. One group (Americans) and the second group (Ukrainians) ask each other about their Christmas traditions. Ukrainian Christmas Traditions: Text

Christmas Traditions (Website)

Transfer of Knowledge How do traditions about food form? How have these traditions been carried over the centuries? Group Discussion
Closure As a class, they discuss how Ukrainian Christmas traditions are similar or different to those in the US.
Learning Assessment Students individually complete a worksheet that has open-ended questions about Ukrainian Christmas traditions and fill it out based on what they have learned in class. Christmas Worksheet
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Things that did not go well-

Improvements for the future-