
6 LESSON PLAN 1: Ukrainian Cultural Traditions: Arts and Crafts


Level Novice High- Intermediate Low (A2)
Brief Description of the Activity Students of Ukrainian and Slavic languages first discuss the difference between arts and crafts. Then they review four different crafts (egg decorating (Pysanky); Hutsul woodworking; Ukrainian embroidery, and Crimean Tatar decorative pattern (Örnek). They discuss the regions these crafts come from, and their significance and debate their place in today’s world by making connections to American crafts traditions and related social science topics.
Standards Communication: Modes of Communication

Interpersonal Mode: X

Interpretive Mode: X

Presentational Mode:



Products: X

Practices: X

Perspectives: X

Connections: Social Sciences; Arts

Comparisons: Ukrainian and American craft traditions


ACTFL World Readiness Standards (Culture)
  1. Learners identify and analyze cultural practices and products from authentic materials such as videos and news articles (Intermediate),
  2. Learners identify and discuss perspectives reflected in creative works of the culture such as traditional and contemporary music, literature, dance, and art (Intermediate),
  3. Learners interpret authentic materials to identify and analyze practices that reflect perspectives of the target culture (Intermediate),
  4. Learners experience (read, listen to, observe, perform) expressive products of culture (e.g., stories, poetry music, paintings, dance, drama, and architecture) and explain the origin and importance of these products in today’s culture (Intermediate).
Language Functions Analyzing visual products; comparing and contrasting cultural traditions; debating; summarizing main points in writing; finding connections
Language Structures Adjectives; arts and crafts vocabulary
Learning Objectives 1. Students will gain an understanding of major Ukrainian arts and crafts traditions,

2. Students will connect crafts traditions with the geographical locations they come from,

3. Students will compare and contrast Ukrainian and American arts and crafts traditions,

4. Students will discuss how arts and crafts traditions connect to the other aspects of life,

5. Students will debate the significance of arts and crafts in modern life.

Instructional Procedures Learning Activity Immersive Technology
Gain Attention Teacher shows the arts and crafts page of the Authentic Ukraine website and asks students if they know similar crafts in the US culture Authentic Ukraine Website
Stimulate Recall of Prior Knowledge Teacher asks students what vocabulary and specific adjectives students remember to talk about and describe arts and crafts Quizlet Quizlet Flashcards
Presentation of Content Teacher presents following four activities using immersive technologies:

  1. Egg decorating (Pysanky):
  2. Hutsul woodworking
  3. Ukrainian embroidery
  4. Crimean Tatar decorative pattern (Örnek)
  1. Pysanky AR
  2. Hutsul 360 images
  3. Embroidery 360 images
  4. Örnek AR
Elicit Performance and Give Feedback 1. Students are separated into four groups, each focusing on one of the Ukrainian crafts. They examine together each of the crafts and discuss their main characteristics in Ukrainian as well as their geographical origin. They then search for more information online for additional videos and resources.

2) They share their results with the rest of the class, while the teacher provides feedback on their work.


Ukrainian Folk Arts (Website)

Traditional Crafts of Ukraine (Website)

Folklore Ukraine (Website)


Transfer of Knowledge As a class, students identify connections of arts and crafts with the social sciences (e.g., what can we learn about the lifestyles of people who create arts and crafts?)

Students also discuss how arts and crafts are connected to their other coursework.

Arts and Crafts Movement (Website)
Closure Individually, each student writes in Ukrainian a brief paragraph about what artifacts or skills they could pass on to future generations from their own culture.
Learning Assessment Vocabulary pop quiz

Complete Adjectives Exercises


Dobra Forma- Adjectives

Things that went well-

Things that did not go well-

Improvements for the future-