
4 Vector Addition

Last chapter we saw vectors are best thought of as instructions, e.g. “move 1 down and 2 to the right.”  What makes vectors useful is that we can combine vectors.  Let’s see how this works:

Exercise 4.1: Vector Addition

You are given two displacement vectors \vec A =(A_x,A_y) and \vec B=(B_x,B_y).

If you had to guess how to add \vec A and \vec B, what would you write down?

To figure out what this means physically, consider the displacement vector

\vec C = “follow \vec A and then follow \vec B.” 

Reason what the quantities C_x and C_y that describe the vector \vec C should be in terms of the components of \vec A and \vec B.  Justify your answer in English.

There are several things to highlight from the above discussion.  First,

To add vectors, we just need to add the components.

In other words, (A_x,A_y)+(B_x,B_y)=(A_x+B_x,A_y+B_y).  This is pretty much the only thing you can write that makes sense, so it’s easy to remember!

The second thing to take away is that

When adding vectors, the “+” sign means “and then.”

That is, in English, the equation \vec A+\vec B means “Follow vector \vec A and then follow vector \vec B.”  This brings me to the last important thing I want to highlight:

In physics, every equation can be thought of as a sentence in English!

A very big part of physics is being able to “translate” English into math and vice-versa: math is a tool, but understanding happens in English

This understanding allows us to figure out how to graphically add vectors as well, as we now show.

Exercise 4.2: Adding Vectors Graphically.

Consider the diagram to the right.  Find the vector \vec C where \vec C = \vec A + \vec B.

Do not use components! Try solving this problem by drawing a picture instead.  Remember, the vector \vec C is found by following \vec Aand then following \vec B.

If you’re not sure how to get started, take a look at the solution video below.  You’ll get a few more chances to practice after watching the video.


Exercise 4.3: Practice Vector Addition

Exercise 4.4: Practice Vector Addition

Exercise 4.5: Equations are Sentences!

I mentioned that in physics all equations should be thought of as sentences in English.  Let’s drive this point home.

In the diagram below, you are standing at the origin (brown circle).  Your two friends Charlie (C) and Beth (B) are nearby.

Key Takeaways





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