7 Unit Vectors
We know vectors have a magnitude and a direction. The magnitude of a vector is just its length, so we can easily report that. But how can we specify the direction of a vector? To do so, we use a unit vector. Let be any vector. The unit vector
is defined as
The “three line symbol” means is defined as.
Exercise 7.1: Unit Vectors
Compute the magnitude of the vector . Assuming the vector
has units of meters, what are the units of
The fact that unit vectors have no units makes sense: unit vectors specify a direction, and directions have no units.
Given a coordinate system, there are a series of special unit vectors denoted by ,
, and
, which point in the direction of the positive x-axis (
), y-axis (
), and z-axis (
). The notation
, and
is also common. Because both of these notations are standard, we will purposely use both notations throughout this book.
Exercise 7.2: Expressing Vectors in Terms of Unit Vectors
Use unit vectors to write the vector as a sum of two vectors, one proportional to
, and one proportional to
Evidently, writing is equivalent to writing
. However, you will find as we progress in this book that the unit vector notation is much more useful. For this reason, from now on I will always use the unit vector notation.
To get used to this, and to practice a little bit of vector algebra, let’s do a few problems.
Exercise 7.3: Vector Algebra
Consider the vectors ,
, and
Exercise 7.4: Using Unit Vectors
You are given the vectors and
. Calculate the angle
that the vector
makes with the
-axis. Report your result in radians, using two decimal places. You probably want to sketch this out!
Key Takeaways